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About me
I have studied Chemical Engineering at Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania. I have obtained my PhD title in Atmospheric Physics on "The influence of meteorological elements in air pollutants transport in atmosphere". From 1990-2003 I have worked as scientific researcher in the field of air and water pollution at Hydrometeorological Institute, Academy of Sciences of Albania. During this time I have been involved in several projects both as coordinator and expert as for example in the EC PECO Program Project "South European cycle of air pollutants" in collaboration with National Research Council of Italy (CNR).
From year 2003 till 2008 I have been Deputy Director of Hydrometeorological Institute, Academy of Sciences of Albania being coordinator of many national projects in the field of hydrometeorology, air and water pollution. I have been responsible for implementing the institute work programme in the field of air pollution monitoring and delivering yearly reports on the status of environment in Albania. I have been involve in coordination of several projects with WMO, NATO, UNESCO, European Commission, World Bank etc.
I started in 2011 working as Seconded National Expert at Renewable Energy Unit of Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission (EC). From March 2015 to March 2018 I have been Scientific/Technical Officer working at Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit, Directorate for Energy, Transport and Climate, JRC, EC. In 2016 I start leading 2 Work Packages (WPks): (i) Monitoring Actual and Foreseeable Renewable Energy Deployment and (ii) Bioenergy Assessment and Modelling. In the meantime, I have been contributing to two other WPks (iii) Development of the European Energy Efficiency Platform (E3P) and (iv) Nexus perspectives for the Mediterranean region and Africa (WEF-AFRIMED). I have been working on monitoring the progress of EU and non-EU countries in the deployment of renewable energy according to Renewable Energy Directive. I have been involved in the JRC 'Scientific Support to the Danube Strategy' initiative, Bioenergy nexus cluster, providing scientific analysis on bioenergy deployment in this region with data and policy reports. I have been responsible and contact point for a multi-dimensional database (energy production and consumption indicators by year and country) which is transformed in an interactive tool and accessible for the public at the dedicated space in EU Science Hub.
From 2013 to 2018 I have been representing JRC at the Energy Statistics Working Group participating actively in the discussions, contributing in the process of hearings with Eurostat, and having a good collaboration with ESTAT 5 on the topic of renewable energy. I have been involved on supporting DG ENERGY on the impact assessment of bioenergy sustainability as well as in the process of Renewable Energy Directive recast. I am author and co-author of policy reports, peer review papers as well as papers published in proceedings of national and international conferences.
In June 2019 I started working as an fee-paid expert at Air and Climate Unit (C.5), Directorate C - Energy, Transport and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission contributing to the work package "Air and Climate in the Western Balkan (AC-WB)". The work package supports the process of accession of the Western Balkans Countries as envisaged in the EU strategy for the Western Balkans (COM(2018)65) and the Enlargement package (COM(2018) 450).
In March 2020 I started working as Expert Intra-Muros at Air and Climate Unit (C.5), Directorate C - Energy, Transport and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, supporting the developments of the EDGAR database and applications , developing a database which collects all the information needed to update the EDGAR agricultural emissions to serve the needs of policy makers (e.g. DG ENV, DG AGRI, etc.) and Member States and development of a web tool to support the improvement of air pollutant and GHG emissions from agriculture. I was the scientific leader of the newly Agricultural Emission Estimation (AgrEE) tool developed together with DG Environment.
In June 2021 I started working again as Scientific Officer at Air and Climate Unit (C.5), Directorate C - Energy, Transport and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission to perform studies related to changes of GHG and air pollutant emissions in time and in space to measure the impact on climate change. Further I am involved in the development and update of the JRC EDGAR database on GHG and air pollutant activity data, technology and emission reduction measures. I am the scientific lead of the JRC Agricultural Emission Estimation (AgrEE) Tool supporting the EU Member States to improve their national inventories on air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sector. The development of this tool includes also the work to include the application of abatement measures to reduce the ammonia emissions from main agricultural activities in each EU Member State.
In December 2024 I started working again as Expert Intra-Muros at the Clean Air and Climate Unit, Directorate C - Energy, Mobility and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, being part of the Uni Systems an European Information and Communication Technology company. My activities part of my previous work as a Scientific Officer will continue with additional contribution to the to the Climate Neutral Cities Administrative Agreement by processing and making EDGAR data available to cities willing to benchmark, improve or increase the comprehensiveness of their GHG emission inventories.