20 year experience in air pollution monitoring and relations with meteorological elements. Experience in modelling single and multiple source air pollution dispersion. Knowledge of Screen3, Breeze-Screen3, Breeze-Aermod, WRPLOT View . Licence for performing environmental impact assessments. Experience working with EDGAR on GHG emissions inventories for all world countries.
Experience in the analysis of low carbon technologies deployment in EU and non EU countries based on their reporting as an obligation of Renewable Energy Directive. Experience in the role of renewables to mitigate climate change. Experience in reviewing reports as from European Environmental Agency, REN
Knowledge on bioenergy sustainability issues in EU and non EU countries in line with the mandatory requirements for biomass and biofuels. Contribution to support DG ENERGY on the impact assessment of bioenergy sustainability (SWD(2014) 259 final)
Strong expertise with demonstrated history of working with large data sets, database management. Knowledge of Access, Drupal (PHP), Tableau, QLIK Sense, Power BI, R, Stata, Matlab, Minitab, INSPIRE, ENVI, ArcGis 9.3
Experience in data visualisation in Drupal environment using Tableau software (Desktop, Public, Server) for an interactive exploratory in order to present the data in the right contest, discover significant and meaningful patterns, getting a multi perspective information. Experience in data analysis and visualisation using QLIK Sense Power BI
Experience in supporting the EU energy and climate policy. Contribution in SWD(2016) 418 final in the process of Renewable Energy Directive recast. Experience in supporting National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) on air pollutant emissions reduction.
Knowledge of index decomposition analysis of final energy consumption to identify driving factors and their contributors
Broad experience in analysing the role of low carbon technologies in climate change mitigation. Experience in the air pollutants emissions estimation.
Demonstrated experience history in management through directing, organising, coordinating, planning, problem-solving, proposing solutions and oversight skills
Good knowledge to evaluate new scientific and policy submissions within the context of existing researches
Scientific leader of the JRC Agricultural Emission Estimation (AgrEE) tool to support the EU Member States improving their national inventories for air pollutant and greenhouse gases emissions from agricultural sector. The tool can be reached also from the EDGAR webpage
Author of the renewable energy data portal that is sourced from EU countries reporting under existing Renewable Energy Directive and complemented with the latest data collected from Eurostat through the indicative SHARES Tool. To provide a long term assessment of the renewable energy deployment in the EU and in each Member State the database is enriched with data coming from different scenarios in place as PRIMES and EUCO.
National Renewable Energy Action Plans Datasets (13) are available at JRC Data Catalogue and EU Open Data Portal. Data sourced from EU countries reporting under Renewable Energy Directive available at EC Transparency Platform
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